Chartering a boat
Chartering a boat in Croatia can be a dream come true, that is, if your dreams include deserted islands, dropping anchor in crystal clear water and going to relax to the sound of waves lapping gently at your boat. Whether you charter a sportboat or relax on one of our excursions, boating is truly the best way of discovering Croatia’s remarkable coast.
In order to guarantee a carefree cruising holiday in Croatia, we give you some useful tips on what you should pay your attention when chartering a boat. Decide which kind of boat best suits to you – a sport boat with inboard or outboard engine, RIB, daycruiser or motor yacht – whether for family day trips, fishing, or multi-day cruises from port to port. In any case, regardless of the type of boat before you rent it, make sure that it is equipped with safety equipment and that you have a valid boating license. If you do not have enough experience as a skipper, we highly recommend that you hire a skipper or complete a practical skipper training.
During your sea excursions, you should bring as little as possible, but you definitely need to bring appropriate clothing. Except the light summer clothing it is good also to bring something warm and water impervious clothing because you can always expect a summer storm.
Upon taking a boat (check in), you should thoroughly check the inventory list. Is there are a boat hook, mooring lines, life jackets, first aid, fire extinguisher, nautical charts, and other accessories. Special attention is required if there are a visible scratches and damage of the hull and deck of the boat, if there is any damage it should be specified in rental agreement. Condition and safety of the engine must be also respected. One of the important things is to check also the anchor, anchor rope and chain length. You should check whether the end of the anchor chain or anchor line is attached to the boat.
For easier navigation of the chartered boat, the boat has probably a GPS, and maybe a combination of GPS and chart plotter. This is certainly a big plus, but you have to be very careful and study all the charts for the planned route thoroughly. Remember, paper charts are most important for safety navigation.
In case of accidents, the rescue at sea, port authorities and the harbor police are responsible. Therefore, one should never overestimate yourself and your own abilities, because the law of the sea, nature, sometimes can be very cruel. The Adriatic Sea is very capricious, because the seemingly “docile lake” in a few minutes can be turned into a wild ocean. Usually the summer storms lasts for an hour or two, but the scars due to bad estimates or negligence can stay forever.
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